Thursday, November 15, 2012

Brandt Snedeker Co-Hosts Morning Drive

2012 FedExCup Champion Brandt Snedeker made his Morning Drive co-host debut this morning alongside Gary Williams and Damon Hack, discussing a variety of topics during the course of the show, including his thoughts on the anchored putter debate and slow play on the PGA TOUR. He also discussed his FedExCup win and his experience being a part of the 2012 U.S. Ryder Cup Team.

Read about some of the highlights below or watch the entire episode here...

Thoughts on the anchored putters (anchored putter discussion begins 9:30 into the video):
Snedeker: “When it comes to Tour golf, you know, I’m obviously really good at putting with the short putter. I’m against the belly putter and the long putter. I feel like, when it comes down to having a five-footer to win a golf tournament, I know how I feel. I know my hands are shaking. I know I am very, very nervous. I don’t think it is the same feeling if you have that thing stuck in your belly. I’ve got no problem with longer putters if you want to make sure they are not anchored. I just have a problem with anchoring…I feel like they should be banned.”

Thoughts on Slow Play (slow play discussion begins 16:32 into the video)
“They (PGA TOUR) want to make sure the product they get out on TV is good. They don’t want to see guys taking five-and-a-half hours to play a round because it doesn’t look good for us as leaders of the game. The policy they have is very inept at dealing with that.”

Snedeker: “I think if you start giving guys penalty shots – if they say, “If you get on the clock and you get a bad time, we are going to penalize you a shot” – then all of a sudden, those guys realize, ‘Well if I lose a shot on Sunday, that can be $500,000. Guys will start speeding up really quickly.”

Snedeker: “I feel like sometimes the guys get a little bit of a hall pass because they say, “I am working on it.” Well, you are not working on it very hard. Because if you are literally working on it and if you are still the slowest guy on the PGA TOUR, then it says something about their work ethic, because it hasn’t changed. It is a tough situation because guys get very sensitive about it, when actually it is just being honest with them.”

On what he has bought with the $10 million as a result of winning the FedExCup:
Snedeker: “Haven’t bought anything yet. Nothing yet. Kind of saving it for a rainy day and hoping that never happens.”

On how winning the FedExCup boosted his confidence:
“It’s a big confidence boost to know that my best is good enough. I’m just starting to scratch the surface of what I can really accomplish. And it’s not anything physical it’s all mental.”

On what the months of July and August like being just outside of the Ryder Cup bubble:
“That was tough. The one goal I had at the beginning of this year was making the Ryder Cup. Being on U.S. soil with Davis Love as captain is like the perfect storm for me. And to have a guy like Davis who has meant so much to U.S. golf and to golf in general, and to be on his team was just something I really wanted to do. July and August were tough because I knew I was on the outside looking in and I needed to play really well coming down the stretch in late July and August and I didn’t do it.”

-NBC Sports Group-

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